Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage
Ancient Maya healing techniques to balance body, belly, and womb
Very similar to the theory behind Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage techniques are used to support the restoration of the body to a state of wholeness where chu’lel (a Maya word for life force energy) can flow freely.
This special therapy is used to treat many reproductive, digestive, and structural issues in both men and women, such as infertility, menstrual diseases, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, Crohn’s disease, GERD, IBS, adhesions, scarring, constipation, chronic fatigue, migraines, and chronic pain.
“If a woman’s uterus is out of balance, she will be physically, emotionally and spiritually out of balance.”
— Don Elijio Panti
Womb Wisdom
Arvigo Maya abdominal massage can improve fertility by addressing common reproductive health issues that can interfere with conception, such as:
Improving blood flow to the reproductive organs: The massage can help to increase circulation to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, which can improve the health of these organs and support the functioning of the reproductive system.
Misaligned or tilted uterus: The massage technique can help to realign the uterus, which can improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, and promote optimal hormonal balance.
Blocked fallopian tubes: The massage can help to release adhesions and scar tissue in the pelvic area, which can improve the function of the fallopian tubes and increase the chances of conception.
Reducing tension in the abdomen and pelvic area: The massage can help to release tension in the muscles and tissues of the abdomen and pelvic area, which can improve the alignment of the reproductive organs and support their proper functioning.
Supporting the elimination of toxins: The massage can help to stimulate the lymphatic system, which can support the elimination of toxins and waste products from the reproductive organs.
Hormonal imbalances: The massage can help to balance the hormones by improving circulation to the ovaries, regulating the menstrual cycle, and reducing stress. Balancing hormones will in turn help regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation, which can improve fertility.
Digestive issues: The massage can help to improve digestion and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, which can improve nutrient absorption and support overall reproductive health.
What my patients are saying…
“I recently had a session of Arvigo Maya abdominal massage from Monica Dayanand, DAOM, L. Ac. at Fertile Moon Integrative Medicine… I found the session to be very powerful and thorough. The work was quite deep and I felt my entire abdominal region was met. Monica’s focus was very intense and I felt areas of congestion, some of which I had been aware and others of which I was unaware, beginning to dissolve and relax. During the session I felt intense heat rising in my body on two occasions. This was followed by an overall warming and deeply relaxing feeling. I was most pleasantly surprised that Monica included a teaching session at the end of the session so that I could learn to do this work for myself...”
Gayle Condon, L. M. T.
“I have been going to Dr. Monica since November 2021 on a weekly basis, at first for acupuncture treatment after a radical hysterectomy. I wanted a holistic approach for my recovery. Dr. Monica was from the first visit very attentive to my needs and symptoms and eventually proposed I considered the Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage. Trusting her common sense, I agreed to give it a try, and can honestly say that had it not been for this technique of healing massage, I would have slowly but surely fallen into depression. This gentle yet powerful manipulation of my abdomen right away gave me a sense of connection to my body and my mind. I couldn't hold back the tears the first time, with a strong sense of gratitude as she pressed her hands with a confident touch around the long incision scar I used to dread looking at. The Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage is a treatment I so recommend now after any abdominal surgery actually. It's an hour I give to myself every fortnight, walking off with a renewed zest for life!"